In these strange times, the last thing that should be in the forefront of our minds is divorce. However being confined to a ‘lockdown’ scenerio, like the ones we are experiencing, exacerbates situations that were initially hard to bare. During a time when we should be pulling together, some situations just fall apart.
“Marital preservation appears to be an immediate response to mortal threat, but relaxes once the threat is less acute. Under conditions of extreme stress, uncertainty, and threat, people maintain the status quo and refrain from making a major life change.” (Source: The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships).
This comment may be true in certain cases of severity, however when you add in the stress of extended confinement and economic hardship associated with the COVID-19 pandemic there is a suggestion this unprecidented event will lead to a spike in domestic violence and divorces
within the next year.” (Dr Catherine Cohen Assistant Research Professor at The Pennsylvania State University).
Both Drs. Catherine Cohan, Assistant Research Professor at The Pennsylvania State University, and fellow researcher, Steve W. Cole at the University of California, Los Angeles suggested a surge in divorces resulting from the stress of being confined with our spouses with whom we are not accustomed to spending so much one-on-one time. The lack of freedom and day-to-day struggles, coupled with the emotional and financial fallout, will probably take their toll on marriages.’
‘Ultimately, balance is key. A mix of time with friends and family, time together as a couple, and separate time for each partner add to marital quality, as does an equal split between our circle and activities and those of our partner,”, psychologists Rob Pascale and Lou Primavera PhD, authors of Making Marriage Work, said in an article for Psychology Today. In the recent light of the Covid 19 circumstances the balance just isn’t there.
Covid 19 has not only given rise to the applications of divorce, it has also effected the repercussions - judicial system, lockdown custody of children, court delays are just the tip of the iceberg!
Looking at the statistics from China who have had many weeks of locking down, they are now experiencing a surge in divorces. We have yet to see the statistics from countries like Italy who are still in the throws of lockdown and judging by past historical occurrences, it looks like there will be a spike in divorce proceedings in the U.K.
At KLR Solicitors, we understand the impact divorce has on your mental health and well being. We offer a Free 1 Hour Online private consultation with one of our trained divorce solicitors.