New Build Properties

New Build Properties

“I have used KLR for numerous years on a variety of matters. They were very professional, gave great advice and were reasonably priced. I would highly recommend their services.”

Purchasing a new build property is a dream come true for many. Warm, secure, and constructed to your specifications, nothing beats walking into a home that no one has lived in before.

Although most new build property purchases run smoothly, issues such as completion delays, defects, and insurance problems can occur. To mitigate the risk of stress-inducing issues, our Conveyancing Solicitors carefully check all contracts and documents relating to new build homes. You can be confident that by instructing us, you will be able to move into your new build free from property-related concerns.

KLR Solicitors hold a Conveyancing Quality Accreditation from the Law Society of England and Wales. This means we have the expertise required to deliver quality conveyancing advice, use a standardised process to recognise and reduce risk, and meet set expectations when providing conveyancing services. 

The Law Society Conveyancing

What factors will a Conveyancing Solicitor check when acting for the purchasers of a new build property?

Buying a new build home means your Conveyancing Solicitor has to make additional inspections to ensure your best interests are protected. These include checking:

  • all required planning consents have been obtained and any conditions attached to the consent have been met or performed
  • documents showing that the property has been built to the proper standard are made available
  • a structural guarantee or a home warranty is in place
  • all easements, rights of way, and sewerage and drainage rights are documented
  • the developer and the local authority have agreed that the latter will take over the maintenance of the estate’s roads and footpaths

We will ensure all these checks are completed quickly and if there are any concerns, the potential consequences will be explained to you. Our team will ensure that your best interests are protected at every stage of the purchase.

What can I do if my new build property has a defect?

Unfortunately, owners of new build homes sometimes discover defects which affect the appearance, function, resale value, or even safety of the property. Examples include:

  • subsidence resulting from foundation defects
  • cracks or gaps in the structure
  • poor quality finishes and/or workmanship

"If defects are identified in your new build property, you should report them to the developer as soon as possible. Most new builds come with a warranty, such as an NHBC or similar scheme, which may cover the cost of repairs. If the developer fails to resolve the issue, our expert conveyancing solicitors can provide legal advice and assistance to ensure your rights are protected and that necessary repairs are carried out promptly."

Why choose us?

We have served the community of South East London and North Kent for many years. Our Conveyancing law team has a deep understanding of the area and has built up strong relationships with local estate agents and mortgage brokers/financial advisors.

Our specialist Conveyancing Solicitors can assist you with every aspect of your new build property purchase. We are friendly, responsive, and care deeply that our clients’ property purchases go through as smoothly as possible.

Our team can advise and represent you on buying a new build property.
For a free consultation please call us on 0208 300 6666.

1 Hour Free Consultation

Sound legal advice is based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with legislation and precedent and sound consideration. You’ll find all that and more at KLR Solicitors. 

We are currently only taking on Family Law, Conveyancing, Immigration, Wills & Probate work.

If you are looking for Legal aid that can help meet the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in a court or tribunal, please go to this link first to check your eligibility on the website.

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Got a question? We’re here to help.
  • Is New Build Conveyancing different from buying an older property ?

    When you buy from a housing developer or a builder, there is likely to be a tight deadline, we need to make our enquiries, ensuring that the Builder has obtained all the correct Building Regulation approvals, Planning Permissions and NHBC or New Build Warranty. We also ensure all the rights of way have been entered into the agreements and adoption agreements settled.

  • How long do the searches take to do ?

    This can vary and is dependent on a number of factors, but the average is between 10 and 14 days, it is good to get the searches underway asap.

  • When will you get your keys ?

    This will depend on when the property is built. With a new build property you will expect to exchange contracts at the earliest possibe convenience and completion will take place at a slighlty later date, once the property has completed all its checklists.

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